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Solar Off Grid PV System

An off-Grid system is designed around the estimated electrical load consumption both with production (Solar array) and storage (Batteries). It involves solar modules, solar charge controller, batteries and inverter. Most off-grid systems incorporate generators for backup. The generator can be configured to automatically start when needed.



1 kW Off Grid

Solar System

Recommended Load:

10 LEDs + 4 Fan + 1 Computer

10 LEDs + 3 Fan + 1 LED TV

Backup Time:
Approximate 4-6 Hours for 700 W Load.

Items                     Specifications


 Solar Panels            1 kW

 Panel Rating            325 Wp

 No. of Panels           3 Nos.

 Solar Inverter           1 kW

 Solar Batteries         (150 Ah X

                                 12 V) 2 Nos.

 Space required       10 sq. m.

 Solar Structure        G.I. Channel.


With Complete Accessories.

5 years for Complete System.
25 years for Solar Panels.

Price: Rs. 92,000.00
( With Delivery, Installation.)
( No Hidden Charges)

2 kW Off Grid

Solar System

Recommended Load:

12 LEDs + 5 Fan + 2 Computer + 1 Printer or
 18 LEDs + 7 Fan + 3 LED TV

Backup Time:

Approximate 4-6 Hours for 1400 W Load.

Items                     Specifications


 Solar Panels            2 kW

 Panel Rating            325 Wp

 No. of Panels           6 Nos.

 Solar Inverter           2 kW

 Solar Batteries         (150 Ah X

                                 12 V) 4 Nos.

 Space required       20 sq. m.

 Solar Structure        G.I. Channel.


With Complete Accessories.


5 years for Complete System.

25 years for Solar Panels.

Price: Rs. 1,94,000.00

( With Delivery, Installation.)

( No Hidden Charges)

5 kW Off Grid

Solar System

Recommended Load:

1.5 Ton AC + 12 Fan + 1 Computer + 35 LED Lights + 3 LED TV + 1 Refrigerator

Backup Time:

Approximate 4-6 Hours for 3500 W Load.

Items                     Specifications


 Solar Panels            5 kW

 Panel Rating            325 Wp

 No. of Panels           16 Nos.

 Solar Inverter           5 kW

 Solar Batteries         (150 Ah X

                                 12 V) 8 Nos.

 Space required       50 sq. m.

 Solar Structure        G.I. Channel.


With Complete Accessories.


5 years for Complete System.

25 years for Solar Panels.

Price: Rs. 3,90,000.00

( With Delivery, Installation.)

( No Hidden Charges)

10 kW Off Grid

Solar System

Recommended Load:

2 AC of 1.5 Ton + 60 LED Lights + 30 Fans + 2 Coolers + 6 LED TVs + 1 Refrigerator.

Backup Time:

Approximate 4-6 Hours for 7000 W Load.

Items                     Specifications


 Solar Panels            10 kW

 Panel Rating            325 Wp

 No. of Panels           31 Nos.

 Solar Inverter           10 kW

 Solar Batteries         (150 Ah X

                                 12 V) 15 Nos.

 Space required       100 sq. m.

 Solar Structure        G.I. Channel.


With Complete Accessories.


5 years for Complete System.

25 years for Solar Panels.

Price: Rs. 7,36,000.00

( With Delivery, Installation.)

( No Hidden Charges)

.... and many more customized solutions available. Call us now to find out more.

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