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Solar On Grid PV System

A Grid-Tie system involves a solar array which generates DC power during the day which is converted to AC by an inverter and sent into the house side of the electric meter. If the home is using less power than the system is generating, the electricity flows out the meter to the grid. A grid-tie system will reduce your power bill by the amount of kWh produced and is the least expensive PV system choice.




If you have a rooftop

of 150 ~ 200 sq. ft.

If your monthly electricity

requirement is around 200 units.

2 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter

6 modules of 335 Wp each

Net meter and Energy meter

G.I. structure, Cables and other accessories

You will generate 3000 units annually

You will save around

Rs. 24,000 annually

If you have a rooftop

of 300 ~ 400 sq. ft.

If your monthly electricity

requirement is around 300


3 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter

 10 modules of 300 Wp each

Net meter and Energy meter

G.I. structure, Cables and other accessories

You will generate 4400 units annually

You will save around

Rs. 35,200 annually

If you have a rooftop

of 500 ~ 600 sq. ft.

If your monthly electricity

requirement is around 500 units.

5 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter

16 modules of 315 Wp each

Net meter and Energy meter

G.I. structure, Cables and other accessories

You will generate 7400 units annually

You will save around

Rs. 59,200 annually

If you have a rooftop

of 700 ~ 800 sq. ft.

If your monthly electricity

requirement is around 800 units.

8 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter

25 modules of 325 Wp each

Net meter and Energy meter

G.I. structure, Cables and other accessories

You will generate 11700 units annually

You will save around

Rs. 93,600 annually

If you have a rooftop

of 1000 ~ 1100 sq. ft.

If your monthly electricity

requirement is around 1000 units.

10 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter

31 modules of 325 Wp each

Net meter and Energy meter

G.I. structure, Cables and other accessories

You will generate 14600 units annually

You will save around

Rs. 1,16,800 annually

If you have a rooftop

of 1500 ~ 1600 sq. ft.

If your monthly electricity

requirement is around 1500 units.

15 kW Grid-Tie Solar Inverter

46 modules of 325 Wp each

Net meter and Energy meter

G.I. structure, Cables and other accessories

You will generate 22000 units annually

You will save around

Rs. 1,76,000 annually

.... and many more customized solutions available. Call us now to find out more.

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